More Gift-Cards coming soon! Interesting in buying one for a friend/loved one for a birthday or milestone gift? Let’s get in touch!

The perfect Valentine’s gift for your special someone, or gal-entine!

Each gift card will be customised for you, with your selected session length. Once purchased, the gifted session can be redeemed within 1 year. Henna’s therapeutic properties allows it to act as the perfect self-care gift for your special someone. Surprise them with the most selfless valentine’s gift—a pamper session!

Gift Card Template 1

Gift Card Template 2

Gift Card Template 3

Gift Card Template 4

Request a Custom-Gift Card

Please fill out the form to request your customised gift card. Once done, we will get in touch with you to finalise details and request payment.

Please allow 1-2days turnover time for your gift card to be sent to you. You can also request the gift card to be sent directly to your recipient!

Please note that all sessions under 2hours will be offered at our location in Birmingham City Centre.